
Builders Voyage

Immortalize Your Contribution on Blockchain
What is Builders Voyage? See Benefits
Builders Voyage
Builder State
Builders Voyage
Immortalize Your Contribution on Blockchain

Builders Voyage is a builder-honoring and NFT-claim campaign powered by Aspecta, co-initiated with Linea, and supported by many pioneering projects, communities, and ecosystems.

Builders Voyage mints digital gems from builders' unsung open-source contributions and brings them to light. This embodies the spirit of Aspecta --- an identity built by builders, for builders.

Date: 11/09/2023 9 PM EST - 11/20/2023 9 PM EST (Good news! We extended it to 11/21/2023 9 AM EST!)

Claim your builder NFT in 2 simple steps

Link your GitHub.

  • Aspecta will match your GitHub public contributions as builder achievements. Builder achievements are Senior/Expert/Master badges that represent a builder's skill expertise in a certain domain.

  • Not a builder? Complete backer quests and claim your Backer NFT.

Discover your builder achievements and claim them as NFTs.

  • You can claim Builder NFTs for each of your eligible builder achievements.

  • You can also check out your achievement details -- repos, contributions, etc.

Gas Free and more benefits

Claim with Linea, you will

  • Have Gas Free chances (up to 1,000 builders) - claim an eligible Builder NFT with zero gas fee. Depending on the network traffic, the transaction may take a while to be confirmed.

  • Earn Linea Voyage XPs.

  • Obtain a Verax attestation for proof-of-humanity and reputation.

  • Access to Linea Testnet ETH, Builder Community & Contests, and more.

Earn Aspecta Building Points on Galxe

  • Recognize your support to Aspecta ecosystem and win Aspecta Building Points here.

Common Q&A

1. What's the requirement to be eligible for Linea Voyage XP in this campaign?

If you successfully claim one Backer or Builder NFT on Linea (Verax attestation is auto-embedded), it represents your builder skills/experiences or your support to builders. Then, you are eligible for Linea Voyage XP of Builders Voyage.

2. How much Linea Voyage XP could I get from this campaign?

You will receive 200 XP if hold one Builder or Backer NFT. Holding multiple Builder or Backer NFTs does not stack or accumulate XP.

3. When will the Linea Voyage XP distribution happen?

The distribution of Linea Voyage XP for Builders Voyage will happen retroactively after the Voyage DeFi ends.

4. Could the Verax attestation obtained in Builders Voyage be applied in other Voyages as POH in the future?

It is unclear whether the Verax attestation obtained in Builders Voyage could be applied as POH to other Voyages. Wait for more details in the later human verification announcements.

5. Could I trade the Builder/Backer NFT to transfer Linea Voyage XP eligibility?

The XP will be distributed based on the Verax attestation, which is non-transferable. Getting Builder/Backer NFT using other ways, like trading from the secondary market, won't help to receive the Linea Voyage XP.

Thanks for participating. Let us build together! 




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