Data & Privacy
Data & Privacy
Can I bring my data/profile on-chain?
Yes, you can customize your Aspecta and bring desired components on-chain (e.g. achievement badges, skills & analysis). You will have full control over what you wish to bring on-chain and what not.
How does Aspecta ensure user data ownership, privacy, and fairness?
- The source data for Aspecta are all obtained with full, explicit authorization from users. Taking GitHub as an example, users need to authorize Aspecta to link their GitHub account through GitHub OAuth2 with clear data access scope.
- The data usage of Aspecta is also fully authorized by users. For instance, any third-party platform will need a user's users will need to authorize third-party platforms to query specific Aspecta data through Aspecta OAuth2.
- Users have complete control over their profile data, both before and after we generate your Aspecta. You may freely remove any data that you do not wish to demonstrate & edit the visibility of your profile, and choose whether to bring any data on-chain.
- Aspecta values objectivity and fairness, and thus we allow users to choose whether to share their profile (and specific sections of the profile) with others, but not modification of the analysis results.
Does Aspecta access my private data?
For privacy protection and IP consideration, Aspecta only reads public data from users' accounts and will never read private data. Taking GitHub as an example, with user authorization, Aspecta will count the number of a user's private commits as an endorsement for the user, but will never read or seek authorization to access the content of private repositories.
How does Aspecta protect Web3 anonymity?
Your wallet address and any other related information will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous.